Journalism & Media
The Spectator, February 2025, The lesson Starmer should take from Trump’s foreign policy.
City AM, December 2024, What does the collapse of the French government mean for Britain?
The Critic November 2024, The Sorry Strategy. Reparations are a deeply dangerous strategy in the carnivorous world of geopolitics.
The Critic Essay of the Week, November 2024, Donald Trump and the Age of Sovereign Internationalism.
Danube Institute, November 2024, Youtube. Trump 2.0: Foreign Policy Implications of the U.S. Elections.
ConservativeHome, November 2024: Since critical minerals are central to the 21st-century ‘Great Game,’ we cannot ignore Mongolia.
Danube Institute, October 2024, The Choices We Face: British Politics, Geopolitics, and America.
Daily Express, October 2024, Giving up the British territory was a 'profound failing of judgement'.
The Fourth Danube Institute – The Heritage Foundation Geopolitical Summit, September 2024. World Order and Geopolitics.
Capx, July 2024, Closer EU alignment is no silver bullet for global instability.
The Critic, July 2024, The Conservatives must focus on our constitutional order.
Britain's World, July 2024. How should Britain shape NATO under a new government?
CapX, July 2024, Labour isn’t taking foreign policy seriously.
The Critic, June 2024, Guardrails of civilisation: If politics is downstream from culture, culture is downstream from the campus
Thinking Class Podcast, June 2024, Net Zero, decolonisation and the future of British politics.
The Critic, April 2024, Slavery did not create Britain’s wealth.
Australian Institute of Public Affairs, April 2024, Interviewed by Senior Fellow John Roskam
Trend Following Radio, March 2024, interviewed by Michael Covel
History Reclaimed, January 2024, In Defence of History Reclaimed.
De-Programmed, December 2023, Anti-Western Derangement, the EU, NATO and China.
Free Speech Union, November 2023. Live 'SpeakEasy' event.
Spiked Online 'Long Read', October 2023, The Dangers of Decolonisation.
Triggernometry Podcast, October 2023, The West’s Struggle With Reality.
The Equiano Project Podcast, October 2023, Decolonisation Theories and the Future of the West
Lotus Eaters, September 2023, Book Club #57 | Doug Stokes’ Against Decolonisation
Freedom Pact Podcast, September 2023. Are The New Cultural Elites Destroying The West?
The Current Thing Podcast, September 2023. Podcast conversation on my new book. Spotify link.
The New Culture Forum, September 2023. Interview on my new book, Culture Wars & The Decline of the West.
Unherd, August 2023, Why Has Looting Returned to London?
British Thought Leaders, June 2023, Discussing Academic Freedom and Geopolitics.
UnHerd, March 2023, The Myth of America's Imperial Decline.
Talk TV, Discussing illiberalism across UK campuses.
Spiked, January 2023, How the Culture War Went Global.
GB news interview discussing China and US security strategy
GB news interview discussing Academic freedom.
Spectator USA, May 2022, America’s ‘techwokery’ is infecting its allies.
Daily Telegraph, March 2022, Cancelling David Livingstone is the epitome of woke overreach.
Interview with John Anderson, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia. The decline of the Liberal Global Order
Daily Telegraph, October 2021, If William Pitt Falls, No Figure in History is Safe.
Interview, The New Culture Forum. Academic freedom and the Geopolitics of Brexit.
Conservative Home, June 2021, Woke and Its Consequences: As Power Shifts from the West, Who Will Carry the Torch for Freedom?
Daily Telegraph, June 2021, The Woke Onslaught is a War on the West Itself.
The Council on Geo-Strategy, June 2021, How 'Progressive' Anti-Imperialism Threatens the United Kingdom.
The Critic, June 2021, The Problem With Reporting Ethnic Pay Gaps.
The Critic, May 2021, Poor white men and Labour’s identity trap.
Higher Education Policy Institute, March 2021, Decolonisation is a Welcome Contribution, but Must Not Be Enforced.
Don't Divide Us, December 2020, Tackling Racial Harassment in Higher Education — A Response from Don’t Divide Us.
ConservativeHome, October 2020, We need urgent action to help pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds get into university.
ConservativeHome, September 2020, The Conservatives must rally to the flag of the Enlightenment tradition as the culture wars rage.
The Critic, September / October 2020, The Campus Grievance Industry.
The Critic, June 2020. Britain’s Dangerous Moment.
The Times, May 2020. Trump’s anti-China policy leaves the UK vulnerable
H-Diplo, March 2020. Hegemony Studies 3.0: The Dynamics of Hegemonic Order
Quillette, February 2020. The Misguided Moral Panic About Racism in British Universities
Daily Telegraph, December 2019. Merging DfID into the Foreign Office would be a bold leap for Global Britain
Le Point, March 2019. Universités britanniques : l'obsession de la décolonisation
Quillette, March 2019. Forget About Decolonizing the Curriculum. We Need to Restore the West’s Telos Before it’s Too Late.
The Spectator, February 2019. Universities should resist calls to ‘decolonise the curriculum'
The Diplomat, August 2017. Trump’s Bilateralism and US Power in East Asia
Think Tank Pieces
Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC). September, 2023. The Green Gamble: The Geopolitics of Net Zero.
Council on Geostrategy, 2021. How ‘progressive’ anti-imperialism threatens the United Kingdom. Foreword Andrew Bowie, MP.
Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). 2014. Bridging the Gulf? America's 'Pivot' and the Middle East Challenge it Poses for the UK's Strategic Defence and Security Review with Lt Gen Sir Paul Newton KBE CBE.
Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). 2013. Goodbye America?: Transatlantic Grand Strategy after the Financial Crisis.
Academic writing
US Foreign Policy (Oxford University Press).
New book: Against Decolonisation: The Campus Culture Wars and the Decline of the West (Polity Press).
Stokes D, Raphael S (2022). Energy Security in the Age of Terror. In Collins A (Ed) Contemporary Security Studies, OUP Oxford. Abstract.
Stokes DW, Williamson M (In Press). The United States, China and the WTO after Coronavirus. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Volume 14, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 23–49,
Stokes D, Waterman K. Operational Change and American Grand Strategy in the Context of the China Challenge. The Chinese journal of international politics, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Volume 12, Issue 2, Summer 2019, Pages 203–227,
Ikenberry GJ, Parmar I, Stokes D (2018). Introduction: Ordering the world? Liberal internationalism in theory and practice. International Affairs, 94(1), 1-5.
Stokes D (2018). Trump, American hegemony and the future of the liberal international order. International Affairs, 94(1), 133-150.
Stansfield G, Stokes D, Kelly S (2018). UK strategy in the gulf and middle east after American retrenchment. Insight Turkey, 20(4), 231-247.
Cox M, Stokes D (2018). US foreign policy., Oxford University Press, USA.
Stokes D, Waterman K (2017). Beyond balancing? Intrastate conflict and US grand strategy. Journal of Strategic Studies, 41(6), 824-849.
Stokes D, Waterman K (2017). Security leverage, structural power and US strategy in East Asia. International Affairs, 93(5), 1039-1060.
Stokes D (2014). Achilles’ deal: Dollar decline and US grand strategy after the crisis. Review of International Political Economy, 21(5), 1071-1094. Abstract. DOI.
Stokes D, Newton P (2014). Bridging the Gulf? America's 'Pivot' and the Middle East Challenge it Poses for the UK's Strategic Defence and Security Review. RUSI Journal
Stokes D, Raphael S (2014). US Oil Strategy in the Caspian Basin: Hegemony through interdependence. International Relations Journal
Stokes D (2013). Goodbye America?: Transatlantic Grand Strategy after the Financial Crisis. RUSI Journal, 158(4), 70-75. Abstract. DOI.
Stokes D, Whitman R (2013). Transatlantic Triage? European and UK ‘Grand Strategy’ after the US Rebalance to Asia. International Affairs
Stokes D, Gowan P (2012). The US in the Global Economy. In Stokes D, Cox M (Eds.) US Foreign Policy.
Stokes D, Herring E (2011). Critical Realism and Historical Materialism as Resources for Critical Terrorism Studies. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 4(1), 5-21. DOI.
Stokes D, Raphael S (2011). Globalizing West African oil: US ‘energy security’ and the global economy. International Affairs, 87(4), 903-921. DOI.
Kiersey NJ, Stokes D (2010). Foucault and International Relations., Routledge. Abstract.
Stokes D, Raphael S (2010). Global Energy Security and American Hegemony., Johns Hopkins University Press. Abstract.
Stokes D (2009). Ideas and Avocados: Ontologising Critical Terrorism Studies’. International Relations Journal
Stokes D (2009). New Directions in US Foreign Policy. In Parmar I (Ed) New Directions in US Foreign Policy, Taylor & Francis. Abstract.
Stokes D (2009). The war gamble: Understanding US interests in Iraq. Globalizations, 6(1), 107-112. Abstract. DOI.
Stokes D (2008). Beyond Geo-strategy and Solidarism. In Coicaud J-M, Wheeler NJ (Eds.) National interest and international solidarity, United Nations Univ. Abstract.
Stokes D (2007). Blood for Oil? Global Capital, Counter-Insurgency and the Dual Logic of American Energy Security. Review of International Studies, 2, 245-264.
Stokes D (2006). Iron Fists in Iron Gloves: the Political Economy of US Terrorocracy Promotion in Colombia. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 368-387.
Stokes D (2005). America's Other War., Zed Books. Abstract.
Stokes D (2005). The Heart of Empire? Theorizing US Empire in an Era of Transnational Capitalism. Third World Quarterly: journal of emerging areas, 2, 227-246.
Stokes D (2003). Countering the Soviet Threat? an Analysis of the Justifications for US Military Assistance to El Salvador from 1979–1992. Cold War History, 3, 79-102.
Stokes D (2003). Why the end of the Cold War doesn't matter: the US war of terror in Colombia. Review of International Studies, 29(4), 569-585+464. Abstract. DOI.
Stokes D (2001). Better lead than bread? a Critical Analysis of the US’s Plan Colombia. Civil Wars, 2, 59-78.